7 October 2014 Currently in Saint Claire, it is fair outside. The temperature is 67 degrees Fahrenheit (19 degrees Celsius). The wind is currently coming in from the northeast at 5 mph. The barometric pressure reading is 29.94 and falling, and the relative humidity is 75 percent. The dewpoint is 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius.) Currently the moon is in the waxing Full (Ahroun) Moon phase (91% full). Harbor Park -- Fountain Situated in the center of a large, open meadow is a clustering of six trees, a flower bed, a few steel-and-wood benches set firmly into concrete, and a flagstone courtyard that is dominated by a large fountain. The fountain is a wide circular pool of water some fifty feet across and about five feet deep in most places. The sculpture in the center is a mix of old and new, traditional and modern: eight concrete-and-stainless-steel slabs about six feet high are set in a rough Stonehenge-like circle around the center of the fountain. Water flows from their tops, cascading in bright mesmerizing sheets to the pool below. Rising above the steel circle is a large marble statue of the Water Bearer, an androgynous figure draped in robes of flowing water. It bears a large jug carved with various Greek symbols, from which pours a seething torrent of water into the pool at its feet. Cars on the nearby street have an excellent view of the park as do any residents of the tall buildings which line the waterfront. The murky waters of the Columbia River flow swiftly along the east side of the park. Bracketing the park to the west is First Street and the city of St. Claire. Recent construction work is creating an earthen berm several feet high all along the borders of the park in all directions. Harbor Park is unseasonably warm today--for this time of year--and yet there's not many people out taking advantage of it. In fact, there's only about a dozen people in the whole park at the moment, and most of them seem to be a kids having fun on the playground equipment. Two women watch over them, though they're mostly preoccupied with chatting at one another. There's a bum on the northern end of the park, sleeping off an alcohol-infused bender. And then there's Nick loitering at the heart of the glade, seated on the rim of the fountain. Seasoned city denizens might recognize that even though he's reading a Kindle Fire, he looks up periodically and gives the park and its inhabitants a looking over. Then back to reading. It's a practiced, almost rhythmic activity that seems to indicate that he's watching for something. Or perhaps patrolling the area. Ramos enters the park from the direction of Bridge Street, rubbing his hands together near his chin and mumbling soundlessly to himself. He makes a vague, circuitious route toward the fountain, making stops to poke around at the top layer of garbage in the park's trash cans. He doesn't take anything, however. Nicodemus pays more and more attention to the newcomer who starts circling the fountain and poking at the trash cans. He's silent at first, just keeping tabs on what the stranger is doing without being terribly obvious that he's doing so. Although in such close proximity, it's going to be almost impossible to overlook the fact that Nick is, in fact, quite aware of the other's presence. That's probably a good thing insofar as the don't-care-to-be-mugged crowd goes. As Ramos draws nearer, Nick clears his throat after he finishes poking at the trash cans and taking nothing. "Looking for something in particular?" he inquires quietly, pitching his voice soft enough to be easily ignored if Ramos chose to do so. And not sounding confrontational about it, either. This thin, wiry, short (5'6"), and moderately attractive man is probably in his very late twenties to mid thirties. His dark brown hair is of medium length and styled so as to appear unkempt--even though it isn't. His attire, appearance, and mannerisms communicate that he's well-off, but certainly not wealthy Nicodemus is currently wearing loose-fitting blue jeans and a grey long-sleeved shirt--perfect for variable spring weather conditions. The exceptionally perceptive might notice his pants do not quite hang naturally over his right ankle. A new-looking charcoal gray longcoat envelopes his form, shields him from the weather, and masks some of his body language and movements. He wears few accessories: an unadorned cotton lanyard and a slender gold chain around his neck plunge beneath his shirt, a small metal owl pin resides on the left collar of his coat, and worn brown leather gloves protect his hands. There's a whiff of wood-smoke and ozone lingering in the air about him, possibly from an expensive cologne. When he moves, it is with grace, fluidity, and sure-footedness. When idle, he seems alert and focused, yet somehow simultaneously introspective. Ramos turns his face toward Nick, head cocked, lips stopping in mid-mumble. And after a moment or two, he moves closer, smelling strongly of unwashed clothes, unwashed body, and onions. "I need," he says, forming the words carefully and slowly, "a dirty joke." Nicodemus leans off to one side slightly, putting just a few more inches of distance between you and his nose. It probably doesn't help. Nope. It doesn't. He leans another inch away, even though that still doesn't help. Perhaps he just likes a bit more personal space? "Is that a joke?" Nick inquires dubiously, experimenting with the concept of breathing through his mouth instead of his nose. Ramos doesn't move closer, but he doesn't go away, either. "No. I need a dirty joke." Nicodemus is seated on the rim of the fountain. Ramos is nearby. They seem to be talking, although Nick's torso is leaning a bit away from the rather fragrant Ramos. Nick asks Ramos, "When should you kick a midget in the nuts?" Ramos takes a moment to let this sink in, his lips moving soundlessly as if he's repeating it to himself. Then, like it's a ritual, he intones, "I don't know. When should you kick a midget in the nuts?" Nicodemus completes the joke. The astute might notice that he's breathing through his mouth and not his nose. "When he's standing next to your girlfriend and says that her hair smells nice." With the inflection he uses, it almost comes out as a question. Tenative. As if perhaps that wasn't a good one. Ghost can be seen at one of the far edges of the park, street-side, entering behind a hand-holding couple that promptly heads toward the river bank. She's got her full get-up today; two shirts and the jacket, faded baseball cap, backpack slung over her shoulders. She also has a McDonald's bag and a partially unwrapped cheeseburger that she's already taken a bite out of. Her gaze sweeps the park as she chews, settling on the fountain, then the occupants, in that order. She heads that way. Ramos doesn't laugh, smile, chuckle, or show any sign that he finds Nick's joke humorous at all. He simply nods, slowly, saying, "Thank you." One meaty, pale hand delves into a coat pocket and comes up with a rumpled and rather dirty pamphlet of McDonalds coupons. He holds this out to Nick, offering. You paged Nicodemus with 'They look like they were fished from the trash. Maybe stepped on at some point. (And are all expired, not that Nick can tell without close examination.)'. "Ah. Well," Nick says as Ramos offers him a selection of soiled McDonalds coupons. "That's, uh, very kind o... Hey!" He says, suddenly noticing the newcomer approaching the fountain. "Haven't seen you in a while," he calls over to Ghost. This is a young woman of average height or a little above, maybe 5'6 or 5'7, who looks to be somewhere in her early twenties in age. She has olive skin, shoulder length dark brown hair that's almost always pulled back into a simple, tight ponytail, and even darker brown eyes that look black from any distance when they aren't catching the light. She is neither ugly nor particularly pretty, and there's a certain haggardness to her features, a sharpness defined less by genetics and more by hard living. Her build is athletic, of a sort; not the sort you see on track fields, but the sort you find among young soldiers in distant countries, or refugees that are used to moving at a moment's notice and from which reality demands a certain sort of fitness or death. Her clothing isn't ragged, but it does tend to be rather frayed around the edges. She wears faded jeans and old but sturdy sneakers with decent treads, a variety of cheap shirts, a long sleeved button-up shirt when the wind is up, and oftentimes has a light jacket tied about her waist, as if she wanted to be prepared just in case. Her hands are well calloused, both on the palm, fingertips, and knuckles. Oftentimes she wears a very well used pair of fingerless gloves, though often these appear to have been made fingerless after the fact. "Crazy shit," Ghost says when she gets close enough that she doesn't have to shout. Her shoulders are slightly hunched; she might be talking to Nick, but she's watching Ramos carefully. "Fucking earthquakes, protests. Cops all over the place." Ramos continues to hold the forlorn and likely useless booklet of coupons out to Nick, as if the other man might actually want them. But also, as Ghost arrives, he shrinks into himself a bit, shifting his weight nervously. "Thanks," Nick says to Ramos, raising a gloved hand to decline rather than accept the coupons. "But I'm okay dinner-wise." He looks to Ghost, then shrugs. "Not much I can do about it except stay out of the way and out of the city. Which is exactly what I've been doing." He glances around the park, noting his current location, before he amends his statement. "For the most part. You doing okay?" Ghost takes another bite from her cheeseburger as she forces her attention away from Ramos, and onto Nick. She chews and swallows. "I don't like any of it, but I'm uh, I'm not hurt or anything." Ramos fidgets, grimacing anxiously. Finally, he bends down to place the McDonalds coupons on the ground in front of Nick and then, offering made, starts hustling away. Nicodemus seems to get a little awkward himself as Ramos seems to be in a rush to depart. He falls silent, looking between Ghost and Ramos, as if trying to figure out what kind of dynamic seems to be at work there. Ghost turns her head to watch Ramos again. Her nostrils flare briefly, as if she were catching his very...very noticeable scent, and she seems to ease up a little once it's clear he's leaving. "Who was that?" "No clue. He seemed to be afraid of you, though." Nick shrugs mildly, emphasizing he had no idea what that was about and taking a moment longer to eyeball the McDonald coupons that Ramos left near his feet. "Weird guy. But that's the homeless and mildly nutty for you." "People get afraid of me," Ghost says, as if she were commenting on the weather. She bends down and reaches for the dirty old coupons, apparently unbothered by the prospect of dirt or anything else that might be on it. "It's not as bad as with some others, but uh, it happens, you know? Often enough."